
Motherhood Stress

It’s hard. We know, and we’ve got your back.

You’re not alone.

You've always been able to manage a lot of stress but you can feel it’s getting to you. If you feel like you're under a pile of responsibilities, you're not alone.  Many clients also feel like their career choices and parenthood aren't lining up well.

There are too many reasons to list why motherhood can catch up with you causing additional stress.  But here are handful of reasons why you might be interested in therapy:

  • Adding another child

  • Moving

  • Body image issues

  • Food and eating struggles

  • Difficult In-laws

  • Intimacy issues

  • Low sex drive

  • Going back to work 

  • Staying-at-home

  • Working outside the home

  • No time for yourself

How can a therapist help?

.When you have a dedicated space to dump all of what worries you, or makes you angry or overwhelmed you feel lighter. A therapist can use evidence based interventions to help increase your quality of sleep, concentration, and overall mood.


Signs that you might benefit from seeing a thearpist include:

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Persistent sadness

  • Irritability and agitation

  • Problems with your partner

  • Low or high sex drive

  • Feeling the need to control things in your life

  • Mood swings

  • Constant preoccupation with something

  • Change in appetite, weight, or sleep patterns