“If you’re worried about being a good mother, it means you already are one.”
What’s therapy like?
Therapy is a safe place where you will be listened to deeply. Unlike a friend, sister, or your mother, your therapist is not a part of your life. A therapist supports you by identifying repeating patterns, as well as helps you clarify what you want for yourself.
One of the hard things about motherhood is filtering out all the noise. A relationship with a therapist is an opportunity to hear your own voice more clearly.
Using evidence based interventions, a therapist can challenge you, guide you, but mostly listen to your problem(s) and support your personal growth.
The first leg of the motherhood journey can be full of uncertainty and pain.
Pregnancy and babies can be more challenging than all the dreams we had for ourselves.
Allergies, Autism, ADHD, Diabetes, Sensory Issues, Learning Disability, moms know the list goes on.
Partnerships end, and motherhood is reshaped.
Other motherhood stress?
We’ve got your back, Mama.
Adding another child, moving, body image issues, food and eating struggles, difficult in-laws, intimacy issues, low sex drive, going back to work, staying-at-home, working outside the home, no time for yourself.